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Monday, April 20, 2020

Exemption In LockDown From 20th April: Divybhaskar News report

Exemption In LockDown From 20th April: Divybhaskar News report

27 days of lockdown have been completed. There will be some concessions from Monday so that people can have some facilities to meet their daily needs. In the infographic, information about what services or activities will be allowed in the meantime and what rules to keep in mind is presented.

The central government has come out with a list of economic activities that will be permitted after April 20, 2020 in certain areas keeping in view the interests of farmers and daily wager earners.

These services and activities will be exempt in lockdown

1. Health Services. AYUSH services will be operational.
2. All kinds of agricultural, horticultural activities can be done.
3. Fishing related activities (offshore or interstate) can be undertaken.
4. Tea, coffee, rubber etc. can be planted. But for this, 50 percent of workers were allowed to work.
5. Animal husbandry can be done.
6. The financial sector will continue to operate.
7. The social sector will continue to operate.
8. Discounts on public utility services such as petrol pumps
9. Shipping will continue.
10. Approval of MNREGA related activities. But social distance and face masks will be dealt with.
11. Exemption of supply of essential goods
12. Commercial and private companies are allowed to work
13. Business / Industrial units (Government & Private) allowed to work.
14. Construction related work will be done.
15. Private vehicles can be used for essential services such as medical and veterinary care and purchase of essential goods. In addition, those who are going to join the exemption category will also be allowed.
16. All offices in the Central, State and Union Territories will be open.


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