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Sunday, October 11, 2020



About Nishta training. This was stated in the reference letter to train all teachers and head teachers who have not undergone loyalty training. During the training, DIET Principal, Lecturer and S.I. Will have to monitor it and scan the QR code shown against its information and upload it in Google form in the afternoon.

The report form has to be filled as per the attached form. Monitoring details should be sent here as given below. After the completion of the training a complete training report should be sent here as per the issue involved. Issues for preparation of report after completion of training 1. Title page 6. Supervision during training 2. Introduction details found. Purpose of Training G. G.C.E.R.T. No date Form shown in the reference letter dated 10/10/2010 (Exercise training. Details of training course and copy of period of work register), photographs r. Bene. Beneficiary group.

Subject - About the implementation of the Vidyadan project ... Congratulations to the Ministry of Education, New Delhi for introducing One Nation, One Platform, in which it is recommended to use the DIXSA platform. In addition, the use of Vidyadan platform to get quality e-content from various subject matter experts from the field is suggested. In this regard, GCERT has launched DIXAIA Widowed ETB (Energized Textbooks) du TPD (Teacher Professional Development Courses).

For this, it seems necessary to attach e-material related to the QR code placed in the textbooks of that subject. Before preparing e-content related to the topic, it is possible to review and use the material that is likely to be available in the field. Therefore, the Vidyadan platform can be useful for ordering e-materials in the field. To this end, information on joining as an individual contributor to the Vidyadan platform is provided in the letter. Therefore, the information related to Vidyadan is requested to reach out to all the government, aided SIM (private) primary school teachers, institutions as well as donate materials or e-materials related to the relevant standard and subject.





Teacher's Objective: - 

NAP-2020 Information, National Curriculum Framework Inclusive Education, Special Consideration of Children and Consideration of Teacher Considering the Condition of Covid-19. Content Outline: Create a practical, interesting, curriculum, without looking at racial discrimination, using a flexible approach to new education policy without racial discrimination. 


 Arrange the range of technical conditions in the correct order. Introduction: Study Sequence: Education Policy of 1968 and 1986, detailed syllabus to enable students for effective, internal-external personal relationships in each situation.


Understanding of Terminology 1 - National Education Policy 2- National Curriculum Structure 3- Curriculum - Textbook in Poy Rank 6 - Assistance Study, - Study Instructions All of the above are explained in depth in simple language. Activity-2 - School Formation of NEP - 1986 10 + 2 and - NEP - 2020 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 Discussion, Activity-4, Scanning Browser, Copy of URL, PDF File or QR Code Included to be Included in the Education Classroom Is. : - Understand the basic right of early education for children from 6 to 14 classrooms covered under RTE - Understand children with disabilities, use of passive power of ICT for children with disabilities. Comprehensive Education Legal and Policy Framework - To provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 9 and 12.


Special training for children with disabilities. Accepting diversity in the classroom - Adopting diversity in the classroom Russell teaches every child to get justice and enjoy it Animal School - Lessons to Respond to Classroom Processes Lessons Learned - Performance.

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