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Friday, October 9, 2020



Also check the state government's private messages and the Rapid Atigen test kit in the lab at a rate. A private hospital or lab can register this daily sample 550 more. The health department issues relevant orders. Earlier, the state government had fixed the rate for RT-PCR investigation. To begin with, the daily sample is being re-examined after 2400 resumes as it is 1500 jobs per horse.

Health Secretary Nitin Madan Kulkarni said some private labs have been cleared by the ICMR and the state government for testing with the rapid antigen kit. Go to a maximum of 550 accounts through this method, including PPE kit fees and all. It is also stated that more than the above amount has been reviewed by the private lab and it is not necessary to comply with other proposed provisions, such as incidents committed by patients under Jharkhand State Epidemic Disease (Covid-1) Regulation, 2020 related provisions or Inquiry into the place of strict action under the lawsuit against Latb.

The negative report comes and at that time the karni is done RT-PCR

The Special Rate Introduction Order states that the reporting negatives in the investigation of the Ramped Antian Test Kit have been found to be RT-PCR of the Reliance Rays and, inevitably, of the Corona. Civil Surgeon that monitoring re. Explain that the investigation of the ramped antigen kit comes with a multifaceted report, but the negative report comes and the corona is seen, which is their RT-PCR checking species.




Find out in other places by US messages, lab and district administration Sample testing is a definite situation. Under it RT-PCR, Trunet and Rapid antigen kit are the three species determined by the three methods. The state government is investigating the corona with a rapid antigen test kit campaigning in various districts.

The Covid-19 General Council has advanced the treatment and transition of the sword to the citizens, it is the rapid receptivity of the Covid-19 of the state aptitude laboratory. These are primarily officers for health-related health care and cooperative health problems, the health department's list said. If Alyssa for acidic body case is held in Ladybattery, then Saudin 450 and if we collect the sample to go to the hospital in Redina's case, then Saudin 50 has cost Rs.

The laboratory had the last health problem

As further stated in the list, state ceremonies have been recognized by the state for RT-PCR cases with various laboratories. Various private laboratories have been planned by the state government through women rapid institutions, according to which rapid antibody tests have been carried out for the eligibility laboratory Parliament Covid-19 subject to certain conditions of the state. In this laboratory, M.D. Pathologist K.M. D. Microbiologist Farajiat is available, equipment for the requirements of the laboratory is also available, certificates are available for the Rapid Abibodi case in the laboratory which is the area / central mega report, whose experience is the registration of the corporation.

The details of the doer formed in the laboratory by the laboratory are represented by the time / corporation

In addition, those whose laboratory has RT-PCR tests are also being investigated for rapid institutional testing. The laboratory is carrying out full details of the period of the day which is being done keeping in view that period / a corporation infallibility, when it is known and not bound by any organization other than the hospital. Laboratory to ICMR Get Recognition This is included in the ELISA or Clea Rapid Institutional Kit status time report. Accreditation Subject Laboratories State Government of India Schemes, Livelihood Guidelines, Immediate implementation.

Charge Saudi 600 if you go to the household hospital and collect the sample

The Rapid Anybody Body Rate has been fixed, while ELSI for Antibody Destination has collected samples from Karave Town Saudi 450 and Regitina Hospitals, while Saudi 550, while CLI for Commandibati has 500 patients from Devi Laboratory Hospital and Hospital No rates are regular. This rate is included in all situations, when there is no increase of any kind in addition to this important charge, but there is no laboratory extra charge, as self-reliance is involved.

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