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Friday, May 8, 2020

Mawa- Doctors in the field for tobacco addicts- CM Rupani made a presentation or open the door because

The total number of Covid-19 cases in Gujarat has reached 6625 with 380 positive cases in the last 24 hours amid the outbreak of Corona virus in Gujarat. However, 2514 of them have been found in the last one week. On the other hand, the lockdown has been extended till May 17 by the central government. Now 7 professors of Gujarat psychology have written a letter to the Chief Minister about the impact of the lockdown on people in Gujarat.

In a letter written to the Chief Minister by 7 professors of psychology in Rajkot, the professors have concluded that they have counseled more than 45000 people during the lockdown. There has been a shocking revelation in this counseling. The people of Gujarat have lost their patience due to the lockdown. The professors in the letter have appealed to the Chief Minister to come up with an alternative plan other than the lockdown.

In this character he said that the mood of the addicted people is very bad. Addiction is a mental illness. It affects his health. But not getting the addictive thing can have very frightening psychological and physical effects. It is necessary to give concessions as long as the people trust the government. The letter also mentions that a tragic incident should not happen in Morbi. Suggestions have also been sent to lighten the bond.

The counselors were Dr. Yogesh Jogasan, Chairperson, Department of Psychology, Saurashtra University; Gopal Bhatia, Psychiatrist, Ahmedabad; I, Yogesh Jogasan; Suresh Makwana, Chairperson, Psychology, Vidyanagar; Psychologists like Mehul have come together and written a letter to Chief Minister Rupani.

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