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Friday, October 16, 2020



Garba Gujarat, popular folklore in Ranging and Malwa regions, has its original inauguration Gujarat. Nowadays it has found a place in modern dance art all over the country. Some refinements made in this way are again statistics of the element of folklore.

Initially, it became a dance in order to take the lamp to the pictorial level near the goddess. This type is called a beacon. Does these words from the alphabet. Nowadays, during the Navratri days in Gujarat, there are flower arrangements decorated with earthen lambs of Kutcha and all around there are dance places.

Krishna waits for good fortune and prays in the Navratna Deva Nritya Tvotsav of the month of Ashvin. Navaranato Night is being set up. Then those four castes belong to the caste of Prajavit. Again, it's all about budget applause.

Krishna Nari suggests that Tali, Chutki, Khanjari, Dunda, Manira etc. can be used and they are of different types in four groups and Krishnalila is engaged like a goddess. The concept of songs of Shat-Shav Samaj and the description of Vaishnava Man Radha Krishna.

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Chaitra Navratri, Asha had Navratri, Maha month Navratri and Navratri which are considered to be the biggest of the four Navratri are this month's Navratri. The festival of adoration of Navdurga is starting from the Aso Sud unit of Navratri.

Mataji's temples are decorated with lights on Navratri. Garba is played in Mataji's Chowk till Navratri.

The nine days of Navratri are the days of worship of the nine forms of Jagdamba, Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmand, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri.

Among the three main forms of Mataji, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati are the three forms of Adhyashakti Bhagwati Durga. Mataji's Ghat is established in the north auspicious moment in Navali Navrat starting from Aso Sud unit.

Modern diba / dandiya raas are effectively given by a traditional parashah and result. The duality of these two dances has created a high level of energy today, that is what we are seeing today. Usually aged and women follow the colorful vashesh-Bhushan and are the display of mother and dandiya. The movement is wearing a chANIYA-choli and maybe a medal-type shelter step, and the boy Gujaratis wear a turban on the Karan seer. People of the lunar period used to clap once or twice, but today new styles have been used in modern behavior. The dancer performed two claps, six claps, eight claps, ten claps, twelve claps, sixteen pieces of training. It is not a wedding in the fictional orange Navashree festival, but it is another wedding festival.

For those of us who are still naive in the art of glittering garba and dandiya beats, only colors and elegant costumes can tempt us to try again. Because, that is the time of year when we have the opportunity to reconnect with our family, friends, acquaintances and most importantly, our playful side!

Why Garba and Dandiya are done during Navratri

If you look at the history of these two dances - Garba and Dandiya, both originated in Gujarat, and are performed during Navratri. Why during Navratri, you may ask. The reason is that these dance forms are a dramatization (like a mock-fight) of a nine-day battle between Goddess Durga and the demon king Mahishasura, in which the goddess emerges victorious.

This is what also symbolizes Navratri - the victory of good over evil, even if that evil arises from our own messy and vague minds. These nine days give us the opportunity to purify negative thoughts and make a fresh start.

Garba dance

Traditionally, the Garba is surrounded by an earthen vessel (Garbo) with a lamp inside, which is called 'Garbha Deep'. This presentation is symbolic. The lantern is a symbol of life - the fetus in the womb, in particular. The pot itself is a symbol of the body, within which the divinity resides.

The dancers move around in circles, making circular movements with their hands and feet around this earthen vessel. This gesture symbolizes the circle of life, moving from life to death and rebirth, leaving only Mother Divine uncertain, unchanged and invincible.


The Garba costume consists of three pieces - a bodice or blouse, a chania or long skirt, and a decorative scarf. Embroidery and mirrorwork can be found on multihomed attire, making the atmosphere vibrant and vibrant. These men wear kadu (full-sleeved kurta that is tight at the chest and flared like a fringe at the waist), Kafi pajamas (a multi-plated pants that tap to the bottom), and turbans or turbans.

Dandiya dance

In this dance, both men and women dance with colorful and decorated bamboo sticks, attracting them to the beat of instruments like dholak and tabla.

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