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Wednesday, November 25, 2020



A home study program is underway in schools. Since 15 June 2020, it has continued and continues to this day. Dedicated home learning materials are available at DD Girnar. GCERT and team have prepared video content for students of STD 3 to 8 and 9 to 12, video content is available on DD Girnar channel. Students can get live education on their TV set on the DD Girnar channel.

Standard 1 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar and Diksha Portal Full Date Video

 In this post we are giving information about Std 1 to 12 DD Girnar Home Learning Video Full Date Video. Standard 1 to 12 home learning videos throughout this post are up to date and up to date. Standard 3 Home Learning Video. ST4 home learning video.

STD5 Home Learning Video. ST6 Home Learning Video. ST7 Home Learning Video. ST. 8 Home Learning Video. STDD11 Home Learning Video. STDD12 Home Learning Video. Standard 1 and 2 Home Learning Video

In this post you will study whole date 3 to 12 and full date home study material video by standard DD Girnar, DD Girnar home learning video standard 12, DD Girnar home learning video standard 11, DD Girnar home learning video standard 10,

D.D. on the channel. Girnar is being aired on Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad. Students are benefiting from all these programs with the cooperation of all of you with wide publicity under good leadership. Notice for standard-for broadcast programs based on feedback from you, teacher friends as well as parents. 10 have been received. 1 and 2 students through television.

The Gujarat Education Department has started a home study program for the children of Gujarat. Arshan Doordarshan Channel DD Girnar in October, Home Learning Time Table October October, D.D., Standard to Home Learning Time Table October October October October, Std.

 Based on these instructions DD Girnar channels through Std-1 and Std-1 and Std-1 and Std-1 for Std-1. D.D. By Girnar Channel. The program will be broadcast during 9:30 hours (except Wednesdays and Thursdays). It is desirable that std. 1 and 8 Watch the program in the presence of their parents or older siblings.

 If the std. 1 and 2 are young watching TV. The instruction/information given by the teacher should be in front of the parents or their elder siblings and Std. 5 students.

According to the above topic and context, it is not possible to call students for academic work in schools in the academic year 2020-2021 starting from June 8 due to the current Koro epidemic.

DD Girnar Home Learning Video Std. 9, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 8, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 7, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 6, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 5 .. DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 4, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 3 .

Important link to watch today's home learning video:

So that std. Vase 'Vande Gujarat' channel no. Prepared educational programs for students from 9th to 12th from the state level for the educational work of the students. - 1 to 12 24 hour broadcasts, Doordarshan's DTH. Is served.

 Vande Gujarat Channel is available in free recipes. Apart from this from 19.09.2020 through TV i.e. Doordarshan Kendra D.D. Educational programs have started broadcasting from Girnar channel.

 In this regard, the principals and teachers of all the secondary and higher secondary schools have informed the parents as well as the students about this "Home Learning" program through the Reference-3 letter here. Due to the Corona epidemic, the program "Home Learning for Standard 1 to 2 Students" has started airing on DD Girnar Channel from 01.09.2020.

At a time when science and technology are advancing while wisdom and understanding are advancing. The knowledge is increasing but the personality is breaking down which creates imbalance in many areas and we have to face various disasters. This situation has forced us to think deeply about our education system.

Everything stays that way. The main paradox is this: an internet homeroom renovation is used for guidance and teaching assistance. What are the benefits of a virtual study hall? It offers more adaptability over traditional study halls.

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