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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Nishtha Training Aheval Module GET 11 word file

 Nishtha Training Aheval Module  GET 11 word file

The Union Minister for Human Resource Development has launched the National Mission, ‘School Head and Teacher Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA)’, a national mission to improve education outcomes at the primary level.

The Minister also launched the Nishta website, training modules, primer booklet and a mobile application.

About ‘National Initiative for Comprehensive Advances of School Heads and Teachers’
Nishta is the largest teacher training program in the world.
Objective: To encourage and equip teachers to encourage and promote critical thinking in students.
Teachers will gain awareness and develop their skills on various

Related aspects:

Learning outcomes,
Competitive education and testing
Study-oriented pedagogy,
School safety and security,
Personal-social qualities,
Inclusive education,
ICT of teaching-learning including artificial intelligence.
Health and wellness, including yoga
Initiatives in school education including library, eco-club, youth club, kitchen garden
School leadership qualities,
Environmental concerns,

Pre-school, pre-vocational education and school-based assessment.

Goal: To increase the capacity of about one lakh participants,
To cover all teachers and school heads at the primary level in all government schools,

Faculty members of the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) and District Education and Training Institutes (DIET),
Block Resource Coordinator and Cluster Resource Coordinator in all States and Union Territories.

Implementation: Direct training will be conducted by 33120 Key Resource Persons (KRPs) and State Resource Persons (SRPs) identified by the State and Union Territories, which in turn will be trained by 120 National Resource Persons identified by the National Council for Educational Research and Training (120). NCERT), National Educational Planning and Administrative Institution (NIEPA), etc.

States and Union Territories have the option to refer to training modules and use their own materials and resource persons keeping in view the core issues of NISHTA and the expected outcomes.

Prominent features of the program are the activity-based modules, including the ACT built-in feedback mechanism, monitoring online monitoring and support system, training requirements and impact analysis (pre-and post-training).

NCERT has developed a mobile application and Learning Management System (LMS) based on MOODLE (Modular Ject Budget-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment).

LMS will be used to register resource persons and teachers, publicize resources, train distance and impact analysis, monitor, guide and measure progress online.

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