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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Nishtha Training Aheval Module GET 12 word file

 Nishtha Training Aheval Module  GET 12 word file

Nishta: National initiative for holistic progress of school heads and teachers

Nishta is a capacity building program for "Improving the Quality of School Education through Integrated Teacher Training". It also aims to build skills between all teachers and school principals at an early stage. Activists (at state, district, block, cluster level) will be integrated trained on education outcomes, school-based assessment, learner-centered pedagogy, new education initiatives, addressing various needs of children through multiple pedagogies, etc.

 The plan is to form National Resource Groups (NRGs) and State Resource Groups (SRGs) at the national and state levels which will then train 42 lakh teachers. This capacity building initiative has used a robust portal/management information system (MIS) for the delivery of training, monitoring and support mechanisms. There are now plans to put SRG and teacher training in online mode in view of the COVID-19 epidemic situation. The first online training for Andhra Pradesh SRG will be launched on July 16, 2020.

The main expected results from Nishtha are:

Improving students' learning outcomes.
Enabling and enriching the atmosphere in an equivalent classroom

Teachers as first level advisors become aware and responsive to the social, emotional and psychological needs of the students.

Teachers are trained to use art as a pedagogy, leading to creativity and innovation in students.

Teachers are trained to develop and strengthen the personal-social qualities of students for their holistic development.

Creating a healthy and safe school environment.
Integration of ICT in teaching-learning and assessment.
Development of training-free school-based assessment focuses on the development of learning skills.
Teachers embrace activity-based learning and move from rot learning to skills-based learning.
Teachers and school heads will be aware of new initiatives in school education.

Transformation of school heads to provide academic and administrative leadership to schools to promote new initiatives.

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