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Saturday, November 28, 2020

TAT Bharti Shixan sahayak Govt Higher Secondary District wise vacant seats for Waiting candidates

 TAT Bharti Shixan sahayak Govt Higher Secondary District wise vacant seats for Waiting candidates

To give online district preference, for waiting Candidates List

Click on Candidate Website Apply for Higher Secondary Government Option Click

To be able to.

In the checkbox that is left open by clicking, the candidate will enter his / her account number, date and time Captcha Code.

You must be logged in to post a comment.

O OTP is received on the registered mobile in the online application form of the joining candidate. Enter the OTP

The names of the districts available for the candidate's category and category-wise candidate are displayed on the screen.

E.g. If the candidate is from Guru Rati Mavarya and he is not in Aoter category then Guru Rati Mavarya

The names of the districts in which the category category is located appear on the screen of the candidate. All this

Candidates have to select the districts and sort them in the order of their choice.

At the time of online district selection, the candidate has to select all the districts available to him.

The choice has to be sorted in order of preference, i.e. if you give 100% district preference then online district

Preferences are submitted. Otherwise your online district choice will not be accepted. Whose candidates

Special note.

Candidates have to give district preference in their district preference on 03/12/2030 at 9.3 am.

Make changes to the key. Parantuta. On 03/12/2020 at 9.4 am in the morning, the district

The choice is to auto-submit the latest software to him and accordingly your merit.

You will be allotted software online district.

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