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Saturday, January 9, 2021



As per the above subject and reference regarding the planning of standard of, the unit examination was conducted for the students of To to Secondary Secondary Unit Test, Standard-of. Covid - For the purpose of assessment with home education during the period 19, you are requested to proceed beyond your level in view of the following matters pertaining to the examination conducted in the month of July in the medium of primary schools from 3 to 8. August. Examination in Environment in Std. 3 to 5 and Science and Social Science in Std. 6 to 8 will be held in the month of August between 27th to 28th August. Hard copy of the test must be delivered in P or soft copy by 26/8/2020.


 As well as Gujarati medium test which can be seen in the first QR code of the first chapter of the textbook of that subject. The student is expected to write the test from home under the supervision of the parent head and at the student's convenience. The purpose of the exam is to know the progress of the student. It is desirable for students to take the exam in a fear free and stress free environment. It is desirable that the test answer script be delivered to the free school by 5/9/2020.

Various Home Education Efforts have been undertaken by the Education Department of the Government of Gujarat to ensure continuity of education even in case of closure of schools during Kovid-19 epidemic. Educational programs for students of Std. 9 to 12 can be viewed on DD Girnar Channel, Vande Gujarat Channel and the Board's YouTube Channel. As well as virtual classrooms of many schools are also run.

 Continuous assessment is part of the learning-teaching process. On the basis of which remedial education can be given by knowing the raw materials of the students. The unit test is not a formal formal examination. But there is a part of constant evaluation. Depending on the result of the unit test, in addition to teachers, parents can also provide the necessary guidance by knowing the raw materials of their children. In addition to therapeutic education through unit testing, one of the objectives is to make the necessary changes under home education programs.

In this regard (Unit Test August Gust) further action should be taken keeping in view the following matters.

(1) Periodic examination will be of 25 marks and time will be one hour.

(3) Five questions of five marks will be placed in each examination. Tests will be based on learning outcomes.

()) PDF of Periodic Assessment Test. Soft copy is regularly sent by email two days before the test and from there to BRC. And C.R.C. Will be delivered to.

()) The CRC Coordinator will deliver the main tests by e-mail to all Government, Grant-in-Aid (GIA) and Self-Supporting Primary Schools under their jurisdiction.

()) The periodic assessment test of the students of the schools will be printed in individual print out and delivered to the home of the students.

()) Periodic assessment test is expected to be written by the student at the convenience of the student and parent under parental supervision. The purpose of this test is to know the progress of the students so it is desirable that the student writes in a fear free and stress free environment.

()) Periodic assessment examination of standard-of will be conducted on 3rd to 12th August, 27th August and 28th August in the month of August. The periodic assessment test must be delivered to the student's home by 26/8/20.

()) It is desirable that the answer book of this examination be delivered to the school by the parent or student by 05/09/20.

()) It will be the responsibility of the school principal to see that the examination evaluation is done by the subject teacher of that standard.

(10) Periodic evaluation test will be conducted on the basis of textbook prepared by Gujarat State School Textbook Board.

Exemption in planning of unit tests according to local conditions

The second unit test from Std. 9 to Std. 12 August 2020 should be planned keeping in view the following instructions.



(1) Unit examination from Std. 9 to Std. Will be given as per convenience by the student on 12/8/2020 and 28/8/2020.

(2) The unit test covers two related subjects. The question paper of each subject will be 25 marks and its duration will be maximum one hour.

()) The subjects and syllabus of the unit examination will be till June and July, the details of which are given in Bankda.

()) Unit examination is organized on the basis of textbook published by Gujarat State School Textbook Board.


()) The question paper of the unit examination has been delivered to the official and secret email address of the District Education Officer from the unit test email address of the office here on 5/20/2050 who has also sent the password.

()) District Education Officer will send the question paper of unit examination on 25/8/2020 to the official and confidential email address of all SVS / QDC convenors of the district.

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