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Friday, April 9, 2021

Education All information FOR TEACHERS

Education All information FOR TEACHERS

Life education should not be uu, 2.  Click on "Select Content Types".  The term copyright should not be infringed, select the content type you want to contribute 2. Click on Reyhte: (Reviewer) and Submit. Contributed by subject wise experts 3. All textbooks of the given project will appear .. 

Content will be evaluated.  Those who want to contribute to Jaina will check all the quality of the content and suggest it to agree, disagree or improve. Select the textbooks.  A box will appear in which click on “Submit”.  

 Sourcing and Gay Nation (Sourcing 2. Once Your Nomination Organization by Sourcing Organization) |  Once accepted you can start contributing to the project GCERT, Gandhinagar Sourcing Organization.  Acts as.  How to contribute as a Contributor in opening a total of 12 projects in Gujarat?  came .  In which textbooks of all subjects of standard 6 to 8 are included.  

4. How to donate to Vidyadan?  Go to and log in to your account.  Click on "My Projects".  Follow the steps below to upload content to Vidyadan.  .  Your nomination is accepted for the project.  It will show the status "Approved".

 Content in the project Step: 1 Cuelt 42 "Individual Contributor" slulau Huè "Open" 2 Bussal. How to register? | Click on "Upload Content". On O. 2. You will see all the chapters of the textbook you have selected and 3. Use your DIKSHA ID and password to see the issues within it.  Sign in or "Sign In with Google" 

Click "Create New" to share.  Log in using your Gmail ID and password by clicking on.  .  Choose the type of content you want to allocate.  For the selected content type in the following format.  After successfully logging in, a dialog  The file can be uploaded. 

વર્ચ્યુઅલ કલાસનો ટાઈમ ટેબલનો નમૂનો પીડીએફ અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

 The box "Enroll as Contributor" will appear.  In it, select Explanation (Individual which gives a detailed understanding of the issue and click on submit. Frère) - pdf, epub, mp4, webm Step 2 How to nominate yourself for any project? Activity for learning  pdf, epub, mp4, h5p, webm, 1. Under the "All Projects" tab, select all the ongoing Experiential (experimental or experience projects related to the topic, content for which you want to contribute) -mp4, webm  And click on "Open". Explanation Video

Education All information

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