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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Online education October unti test preparation video std 7th sociel science

Online education October unti test preparation video std 7th sociel science

G.C.E.R.T. 1 Ahmedabad 1997 In Gand, the state capital was shifted from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar. State Education Department has sanctioned GCERT for the construction of building in Sector-7. To occupy separate land. So the GCERT. Keeping in view the widening horizon, the new building "Vidya Bhavana" in Sector-12 has been functioning since August 21, 2004 with modern infrastructure and the latest equipment.

Under the umbrella of GCERT, there are now 27 DIETs (District Education and Training Institutions) functioning in the 33 districts. This DIET provides pre-service and in-service training to primary teachers in the state. There are seven branches namely Pre-Service Teacher Education (PSTE), Work Experience (WE), District Resource Unit (DRU), Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation (CMDE), Educational Technology (ET), In-Service Field Interaction Innovation and Co. . These DIETs have Coordination (IFIC) and Planning and Management PMs. The DIET is equipped with qualified and experienced academic and administrative staff.

Due to the current lockdown situation, there is a great platform available for children to study at home through the digital medium - GCERT.

Any teacher-student-guardian can register

GCERT Digital Desk is available in standard. 9th to 12th video - Assignment - Mock Test and much more

First open the link below then click on GCERT Digital Desk to open it. Then click Register with us - sign up and submit the required information

You will be notified by your OTP mobile number then login with that username and password. Click on the study panel on the right, in which you will find two mediums (English and Gujarati)

Clicking on the medium in which you want to study will open all the standards from standard 1 to 12 of that medium. The topics you click on will open and you will be able to study. Deliver to your school parents and children and use the digital desk. .

Every learning process

The primary teacher will tell a short and familiar story twice with the help of supporting materials such as pictures, cards or other materials. The teacher will divide the story into two parts and the first part of the story will consider the children's gestures, ups and downs. One or two words of the sentence will be spoken slowly. Those words will ask the children. The teacher will tell a short story to the students without supporting material. Some of those sentences will ask students. After the story is over the teacher will ask the students to tell the story. GCERT Elementary School News

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Creativity Creativity is a blessing given to human beings. At some point in life a person creates something. Creativity expresses the inner feelings of human beings. A person expresses their creativity by speaking or writing or composing something. It is not our goal to make every student a writer or a poet and it is not even possible. But one of the goals of language learning is to show a little creativity according to one's inner strength. Furthermore, we all know that the student is not a consumer of knowledge, but a creator of knowledge. Students can have the opportunity to be creative by doing innovative activities at the school level. Students' creative activities can be nurtured, especially through writing activities such as descriptive prose writing, reports, poetry.

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